Friday 18 October 2013

Lyric analysis

As a group we discussed what we believe the hidden meanings of the lyrics to Noserings & Shoestrings by Indie artist Nina Nesbitt. We decided the most appropriate method of displaying our thoughts was to print out the lyrics and annotate it in as much detail as we possibly could. 

By doing so, we believe we gained a deeper insight into not only the lyrics but how we can construct our video. It is imperative to consider the effect the micro-elements, style and conventions will in turn effect our target audience and this can be depicted by the emotions embedded through the lyrics of the song. By identifying how the artist is feeling whilst writing/singing this song, we as a group intending on creating a video and as an audience member listening to the lyrics need to be able to connect with her on a personal level. Once we understand the hidden meaning of the lyrics we can therefore begin to build a poignant relationship between the artist and the audience as displayed in Goodwin's theory. This also follows Dyers Star theory because we aim to present our artist to be ordinary as well as an individual with an extraordinary talent. 

As a result of the emotion we have depicted from the underlying meaning of the lyrics, we have decided that our target audience will consist of more females rather than males. This is because we believe females will be more able to connect and relate to the lyrics on a more personal and emotional level.

Moreover, the artist will be viewed as more of a friend to female fans rather than sexually appealing to males as this is not included in the image we would like to develop or demonstrate. This is mainly due to the artist creating Indie music which unlike genres such as dance/pop does not encourage explicit behaviours but more romantic and meaningful relationships.  

"Ruffled hair, a loose shoestring' is the lyric which starts the song. We believe this could present the literal appearance of the artists boyfriend. From this initial description we can argue it implies that his appearance is rough and messy with the lexical choice of 'ruffled' This can also further imply that their relationship is also messy with a lack of stability. The lexical choice of 'loose' also connotes their relationship lacking a spark. We aim to justify their broken relationship with the artists implied boyfriend struggling with an addiction to alcohol. 

The song continues with the lyric, 'covered arms and a nose ring' The reference to the 'ring' can be associated with marriage and therefore a happy and stable relationship whilst in reality it acts as a stark contrast. Furthermore, this could also present the idea that the artist believes in their relationship which is in fact a deluded attitude to adopt. 

 Later on in the song, the artist sings, 'He goes out till the lights up...' The literal meaning of this particular lyric refers to him being a party animal but the lexis 'lights' connotes happiness and uplifted spirits whereas the lyrics previous to this present the complete opposite. This is therefore appealing to female fans who may be able to relate to these lyrics in a previous or current relationship.

It then continues with 'But he's self confessed and a little obsessed' This lyric suggests that her boyfriend has a slightly addictive personality from the term 'little obsessed' which therefore implies an explanation as to why he choses to drink, despite the fact his relationship with the artist is deteriating. Later in the song, we learn that the artist plays a mothering role towards her boyfriend, rather than acting as a girlfriend. 

Within the lyric 'I guess that's adolescence at its best', the lexis 'adolescence' highlights his youth whilst emphasising to the audience that he is young and naive. This also presents an excuse for the couple to make mistakes in their relationship and not sacrifice things like they should (by this I am referring to the artists boyfriend to sacrifice/quit drinking because it is effecting their relationship)

Also, it is evident that in each chorus, the artist sings and repeats 'woah-oh-oh-oh'  The phrase 'woah' is often said when about to fall over. This presents their instability whilst connoting a sense of disorientation, as if in the mind set of her boyfriend as a result of his over use of alcohol or drugs. The fact it is a repeated lyric sung throughout the entirity of the song, it highlights the artists lack of control as if she is caught up in a hurricane of emotion and unable to stop herself. Futhermore, the lyric may suggest her confusion toward the situation as she has no idea what to do or say. The song is also suggestive of pace in which her boyfriend lives his life through the lyrics. The lyric 'Hangs about at skate parks' indicates fast paced movement as he is 'skating', also suggesting that he enjoys the thrill it gives when living life fast. However, the line after this 'And he's going nowhere' is juxtaposed with the previous as the artist now reveals that although living fast, he is going nowhere. It portrays his delusion in terms of reality against his illusion.

Page 2 of the lyrics heavily consist of repeated lyrics from the previous page, in which we have noted rather than repeating what has already been stated. The effect that the repetition of lyrics has, consist of many; it familiarises the lyrics for the audience, so that the song is more memorable; it emphasises the meaning of the song as it focuses on the same themes of delusion, young love and intoxication. 

The second page of lyrics also consists of new verses of the song, one starting with the line, 'Keep calm and carry on, he's drunk all night long' in which we can see that the artist is in fact talking to herself about her own issues, suggesting that she cannot talk about the situation with her boyfriend as a result of his delusion and over consumption of alcohol etc; portraying her as lonely.

This is then followed by the line, 'He'll sit there with his guitar and play another song' suggesting to the audience that the artist is now familiar with herboyfriend's behaviour, so much so that she can now predict it. The term 'another song' connotes his life, as it is now repetitive in the way he acts/is, conveying lack of progression. There is a recurring motif in which light plays in this song, as it connotes the happiness the artist wants both for herself and her boyfriend. 

The line 'But he'll be home by dawn', portrays to the audience the extreme times in which her boyfriends comes home from a night out; not only this but it also indicates a new beginning, as dawn is how the day starts and therefore the artist uses this time period to convey her hope of 'new day, new beginning' for both her boyfriend and her relationship.

The last page of the lyrics consist of the chorus being repeated, in which this was analysed in the previous pages. 

The song ends with the line, 'What's done is done' in which the repetition of the word 'done' suggests to the audience that the relationship is also 'done' as this is placed at the end of the song. The artist has used a phrase often said by her boyfriend to portray to the audience that the relationship is over, indicating that it is his own fault for being deluded and in turn ruining their relationship. It shows her progress from being deluded herself, to becoming a much stronger and wiser person.

Ruffled hair, a lose shoestring
Covered arms and a nose ring
He's just misguided I think

He goes out till the lights up
He doesn't care for the day (mmm)
He doesn't know what he's worth

But he's self confessed and a little obsessed
He get's money from his parents to try and impress
I guess that's adolescence at it's best

He's never put to the test but still distressed
And he keeps a bottle inside his vest
I guess that's adolescence at it's best

He says 'live fast and die young
Forget the past and move on
What's done is done'

He says 'live fast and die young
Forget the past and move on
You only live once'


Hangs about at the skate-parks
With his lighter and his pack of cards
And he's going nowhere

Maybe if life wasn't so hard
If he got off to a better start
He'd be somewhere

But he's self confessed and a little obsessed
He get's money from his parents to try and impress
I guess that's adolescence at it's best

And he's never put to the test but still distressed
And he keeps a bottle inside his vest
I guess that's adolescence at it's best

He says 'live fast and die young
Forget the past and move on
What's done is done'

He says 'live fast and die young
Forget the past and move on
You only live once'


Keep calm and carry on he's drunk all night long
He'll sit with his guitar and play another song
Then he'll give me a phone

Another 5am call sitting worried in my hall
Will he come tonight before it gets light?
Well I guess he might

And I'll just keep calm and carry on
Cause he's drunk all night long
But he'll be home by dawn

I'll keep calm and carry on
Whilst he's drunk all night long
Cause he'll be home by dawn

And he says 'live fast and die young
Forget the past and move on
What's done is done'

He says 'live fast and die young
Forget the past and move on
You only live once'


woa-oh-ohohoohahaoh mm mm

What's done is done

1 comment:

  1. The lyrics that you have analysed for your chosen song, demonstrates a good understanding of the hidden meanings behind the lyrics. You have also started to consider possible locations to use.

    Now you need to consider possible micro elements that you could use, a style and how you intend to follow the codes and conventions of an indie song.
