Wednesday 9 October 2013

Primary research evaluation


Target audience can be identified by a few main components: age, gender, income, status, ethnicity and interest. Without an audience to target, the product is not profitable and generally will not appeal to anyone. There are two main audiences: niche and mass. Niche meaning small and mass being large.
      Research we carried out included: questionnaires which we transferred to numerous pie charts to visually display our findings and vox pops which consisted of selecting various people in our target audience who we believe our video will appeal to and asking them relevant questions regarding various video components. 

In total, we surveyed 40 people from our target audience. This is because it is not too little or too  many people and still gives us relevant and reliable information.

Personally, I believe our vox pops was successful because it presented our group with more of an insight into the people who will be watching our final music video production. By creating a vox pops it will assist us with planning our music video  because it allows us to refer back to it in an easily accessible way (YouTube) whilst considering our target audience in further detail.  

We decided to discuss the first 3 questions in regard to the results we received and how this will assist us in our planning process: 


"Do you like to be able to relate to an artist?"


"Yes, because I feel more involved within the video"- Millie Cooper

"Yes, because it provides an outlet and makes you feel more involved"- Karis Myers

"Yes, because it gives depth and meaning to the song"- Reggie Clark

"Yes, because it makes the artist more down to earth and relatable"- Sam Pearl

"Yes, because I idolise people in the music industry"- Dylan Snow 

Each person we questioned answered "yes" to "Do you like to be able to relate to an artist?" which tells us we should consider making our artist be perceived by our target audience as ordinary and relatable. 2 of the people we questioned claimed they liked feeling involved with the artist whilst Reggie Clark believed that it adds depth and meaning to the song. Karis Myers on the other hand stated that it provides an "outlet" for the artist which follows Dyers Star theory. This is because he proposes that successful/mainstream artists appear to be both ordinary and extraordinary. This therefore engages the audience and maintains their interest in the artist they chose to favour. We aim to create an overall Indie image for our artist in which the audience can relate to: an ordinary girl with an extraordinary talent. The ordinary element will be presented through affordable clothes which are simplistic and typical of fans of the Indie genre whereas the artists extraordinary attributes will be displayed by close-ups of her playing guitar and her performing to the camera. Overall, the artist will be portrayed to be relatable and be able to build a relationship between her fans.


"Where do you watch music videos?"


"YouTube"- Millie Cooper

"YouTube and music channels"- Karis Myers

"YouTube"- Reggie Clark

"Phone"- Sam Pearl

"Music channels"- Dylan Snow 

The majority of people we questioned throughout our Vox Pops stated they watch music videos on Youtube (3/5) whilst 1 other claimed they downloaded videos to view on their phone. The remainding person stated he enjoyed music channels for his source. We believe YouTube was the most popular choice because it is easily accessible for any audience member of any age. Essentially, YouTube is a search engine which filters videos only as opposed to the worlds largest search engine: Google (which is used to access YouTube) As YouTube is not only easy to access to search a video of any form (music video, tutorial, advice etc) it is also easy to upload content/material of your own, all you have to do is create an account. It is a favoured distributor for many, especially companies/organisations/record labels. We as a group are going to distribute our final creative outcome onto YouTube which can be seen by the public and most imperatively: our target audience (including people similar to who we questioned) 


"Do you prefer a simple or complex video?"


"Complex because it is more exciting"- Millie Cooper

"Simple because it is easier to understand and relate to"- Karis Myers

"Simple because songs aren't long enough to be complex"- Reggie Clark

"Simple"- Sam Pearl 

"Simple"- Dylan Snow

As evident in the response we received for this particular question, the majority of our target audience prefer a simple music video, something we wish to achieve for our own production. Apart from one person, our target audience prefer simple videos for reasons including: because they are "easier to understand and relate to" and because "songs aren't long enough to be complex" Although we as a group understand a complex video would achieve more excitement and shock within our audience, we believe simplicity is best in regard to our chosen genre: Indie. We do not want to upset certain genre characteristics and will stay true to the artists previous videos which are simple but employ certain genre characteristics which traditionally tend to appear often. 

     Overall, these results will assist us with the production of our own video as it acts as a source of primary research from a selected few from our target audience. It will be highly beneficial to refer back to our Vox Pops throughout the production process of our video because it will enable us to recall certain features which appeal to the people we are targeting to entertain.

Grant McCracken

Grant McCracken was a Media theorist who believed that the post-modern is full of diversity, dynasim and creativity. McCracken says that   if we look at the array of values and ideaologies then we can't say all sub-cultures come from one culture.


CCCs views were very general and ignore McCracken's ideology. The CCCs are a group which assume all sub-cultures come from one main culture: a definite reaction to the mainstream culture.


Hebdidge however expressed a contrasting idea. He come to the conclusion that although some people believe sub-cultures only appear to be different but deep down they are the same. He also 
      says if you look deeper into the industry, there is enough richness to warrant renaming sub-cultures as "little-cultures" 

In conclusion, all 3 theories we have explored vary in their beliefs and appear controversial to certain audiences. All theorists above are opinionated and stubborn to achieve a real belief for their theory. 

We as a group have discussed each individual culture theory and have decided to follow the CCCs views. This is because it is most relevant to our music video production. Because we are using an artist and song of the Indie genre, this theory is relevant because Indie artists are typically portrayed to be down to earth and adopt a simplistic yet effective overall image. The Indie genre evolved as a result of people being 'fed up' of listening to mainstream genres such as pop and dance of which present artists to be over the top and sold as a commodity (as presented in Dyers Star theory) to therefore appeal to a mass market. However, it could be argued genres listened and enjoyed by mainstream audiences do not display relatable attributes. Therefore, our Indie artist and her image will be relatable in regard to CCCs theory. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of the primary research that you carried out. You have started to explain how your research will assist you with planning your music video, but this needs to be developed in more detail. By considering the style of your video.

    You have also made a start in explaining the different sub culture theories. Now you need to elaborate on the points that you have made on the CCC's theory, by focusing on the style of your music video in further detail.
