Monday 4 November 2013

Filming Schedule

Why is a filming schedule important to have?

Schedules are vital to the film shoot being run efficiently, and to budget. On a film set, time means money, so in order to make the most of your shooting day the schedule has to be carefully put together. Amongst a million other considerations, you need to account for make-up and wardrobe readying times, camera set-up times, cast availabilities and location moves. A well put together schedule is absolutely vital when you’re shooting in a short period of time, such as our music video, where it was critical that every minute was used as advantageously as possible. Due to our music video using 4 main scenes, it was imperative to use our time effectively and ensure that the artist and male actor involved as available to shoot when we as a group were ready to direct them into a positive direction. We as a group had a similar vision throughout our planning process, therefore creating a filming schedule was not considered a challenge but an effective method of using time and resources to the best of our ability. We hope that by planning in advance helps us in the long run as we put in a lot of hard work and effort ensure everyone was available at the specified times.

Did you follow the schedule while filming, or did you make any changes?

Whilst in the filming process, we almost religiously followed the above schedule because it was well put together throughout the early planning stages. Although we have added and altered some scenes throughout filming our music video due to changed visions/perspectives and group goals, our filming schedule was our stimulus of both motivation and effectiveness. 

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates a proficient understanding of why a filming schedule is important to consider. You have included the table, to demonstrate the days that you are planning to film. But you need to provide further reasons, to explain why you make changes the effect it had, to your plan
